

Thrainn Kolbeinsson
Photographer based in Iceland

“Personally, I don’t network per se. It feels unnatural to me. However, every time I’ve connected with like-minded creators, it’s resulted in both good friendships and made work way more fun. Photography can easily turn into a lonely profession so make sure you interact with other fellow human beings before you become too weird – try to stay just-the-right-amount of weird.”

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Felgra Yogatama
Photographer based in Indonesia

“In my notebook, I organize my trip visually by doing some research in the first place. I search for images on Google that are interesting to me and take notes explaining what I like about those images and the location. By describing the photos, I am actively thinking already about the actual photo session, so I pre-visualize my objectives and create clear goals, image-wise, for my trip.”

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