Kay Van Huisseling
Media creative
“I want to share images that makes people stop for a second and think: “Wow, our earth is epic.” That feeling I want to convey.”
Read More“I want to share images that makes people stop for a second and think: “Wow, our earth is epic.” That feeling I want to convey.”
Read More“Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.”
Read More“I am deeply attracted by new places and cultures, so my main motivation when traveling and taking photos is always to keep discovering new ways of life, nature and all the learning that it involves.”
Read More“I keep traveling and exploring because it quite simply helps me feel free. On top of that, I believe that nothing makes me happier than discovering new places, enjoying the unexpected, and meeting new people on the road!”
Read More“As I share new work, I aim to evoke the same emotions that I had myself when I visited the location; most of the time that means telling a story behind the shot to engage my audience in the scenery.”
Read More“In our world, there is beauty everywhere, you just have to look closely and pay attention to details! This is one of the things I like most about photography. It forces you to look closely, until you realize how special and fragile our Planet really is.”
Read More“My goal is to share my experiences and memories with others while I’m out and enjoying the backcountry. I want people to see Alaska’s beauty and the vastness of its never-ending landscapes.”
Read More“When I share a photograph, I share a memory of an unforgettable moment. During these moments when I’m shooting, I can be stopped in full contemplation in front of what I see, I even sometimes have tears in my eyes, smiling, thinking, without understanding why, just because it makes me happy. It makes me emotional.”
Read More“Thanks to travel and photography I have learned that I have to be thankful for what I have and to be satisfied with my life. When I am sitting and waiting for good light conditions, I often think that I am lucky to be born in such a harmonious region of the world.”
Read More“Life is about having the courage to face the unknown and I believe going back in time spoils the memories carried with you. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and make waves. You never know where you’ll land!”
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