Nomad Stories

Conveying emotions through photography! With Matt Owen-Hughes (@mjowenhughes)

Conveying emotions through photography!

With Matt Owen-Hughes (mjowenhughes)

Seeing new and different parts of the world has always been a passion of mine. But as I’ve got older I’ve also come to appreciate the feeling of surrounding myself with something much bigger than me. Whether it’s in the Swiss Alps or Scottish Highlands, there comes a peace with being in a wilderness that completely drawfs you.

"You're a speck of dust in the landscape, and that puts so much of life in perspective."

Photographing those landscapes for me has become a way of conveying how I felt when I was in these places. Often you take a photo of somewhere and it doesn’t really capture the feeling of what it was like to actually stand there at the time. So if I can meet that challenge and produce something that really evokes the sense of place, that’s incredibly satisfying to me. It keeps me hungry to improve my technique and stay on the road.


When it comes to my editing style, I guess it’s an amalgamation of different artists that have inspired me. Over time I’ve picked up on different techniques and styles and combined them. It’s not a conscious thing, it just kind of happens as you settle into your own style. Everyone’s influenced by someone. 


One of the things I have enjoyed the most practicing landscape photography have been the trips… Every trip I’ve been on has taught me more about techniques and compositions, as different landscapes require different approaches that you may not be used to.

"Scotland is where I really cut my teeth and honed my style. I wouldn’t be half the photographer I am if I hadn’t travelled up there!"

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