Author: admin

Nomad Stories

Bruno Ázera
Photographer based in the Azores

“In the Azores, the green and rugged landscapes are present in our daily lives, just like the dark blue colors from the ocean or the bright yellows from the best light of the day. These elements are a reflection of my work. I have spent countless hours scouting and photographing all the locations intensively, using the best time of the day for each spot and flying from island to island.”

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Best of the WeekContests

Maria Vojtovicova
Best of the week 51 at #nomadict 2021

“My winning picture was captured in this area, in Oulanka National Park to be precise. This is prettiest of all 41 national parks in Finland if you ask me. On that day we went for a little hike with my colleagues and friends from work on our day off. The name of the place is Myllykoski and it is incredible to see it on any day of the year. The nostalgic old mill standing over the Myllykoski rapids, with the water flowing down…you can feel and hear the power of nature around you.”

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Nomad Stories

Nick Sorotos
Photographer based in Greece

“I remember we had a large closet in my parents’ house filled with photos from birthday parties, trips, or activities alike, and as a child, I liked to stare at them a lot, bringing those photos alive in my mind. Having access to so many memories is a gift. Maybe, it is a little bit just like looking at the Milky Way – when we gaze up into the night sky, we are looking into the past because of the finite speed of light.”

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Best of the WeekContests

Ogik Jatmiko
Best of the week 48 at #nomadict 2021

“I had been waiting a long time to get such weather conditions to come together in favor of the shot I had in mind. So, although I was hesitant to fly the drone in the given circumstances, I decided to bring the drone up in the air and kept flying until I got the shot I wanted. When I pressed the shutter and knew I got it, I felt intensely happy – getting up early in the cold winter pays off!”

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