Victor Aerden


Best of the week 2

As a kid I used to be obsessed with birds of prey. I’d grab my dad’s binoculars and try to spot them around our backyard and neighbourhood. That soon turned into trying to capture them on tape with a very old camcorder we had at home. That’s my first memory of really wanting to capture something. During my teenager years that died down a little bit, but a later trip to Canada, when I had just started university – lit that spark up again. 

"I wanted to capture all this beauty I was seeing and share it with people back home."
Victor Aerden
"Eventually my family moved to Canada and it was then I got really serious about photography, going out into nature and capturing what I saw became a kind of escape for me."
Victor Aerden

Moving from Belgium wasn’t always easy, leaving friends and everything I knew behind, and everytime that got to me, being outside, immersing myself in the creative process, made me feel better and realize how lucky I was to be living in such a beautiful place.

I’ve always done some kind of creative stuff, I drew, tried to make music… but it wasn’t until I got into photography that I found something that I seemed to be good at, but that also combined my passions of creating and being outdoors.”

Victor Aerden
Victor Aerden
Victor Aerden