Ryan R. Olson


Landscape photographer based in Canada

My name is Ryan R. Olson and I am a Canadian-based landscape photographer. I’ve always had an interest in dramatic and wild landscapes as I was fortunate to grow up hiking and traveling to the Rocky Mountains and the West Coast whenever possible.

Growing up my grandfather always hold me to do what I love. With his words echoing from the past, I was jarred into a state of intense self-reflection. A reflection that lead me to further combine my love of nature and self-expression in the form of landscape photography.

"I realized that I needed to immerse myself into the very landscapes that inspired me and translate them into my own interpretations through photography."

I use this style primarily to create that sense of isolation or solitude within nature, which I think facilitates a sort of dark melancholy laden wonder. A landscape is never more fascinating to me than when it is hidden primarily by shadows, snow or fog. I use these elements either from nature or aid them artificially in my editing process. Shadows or fog for example, can allow for pockets of unseen landscape create that sense of looking to the unknown or infinity, as our imagination is used to complete the image and we are then left focusing on the details we are able to see.

I ultimately want to help cut through the racing thoughts that can sometimes characterize our inner world. I endeavour to do this by creating atmospheres of contemplation and mystery that can instill a feeling of solitude within nature. These abstract qualities can lead to our anxieties falling away as things are put into a higher perspective.

"To me this re-awakens our curiosity and reverence for the natural world."

I think it’s healthy to get out and go on an adventure, to immerse yourself in different cultures and experiences. There is something about going on a journey somewhere that brings about a heightened awareness, it becomes easier to enter fully into a state of complete observation

"I feel like landscape photography also pushes me to travel more and immerse myself into the sights, smells and sounds of the landscape that I am roaming."

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