Paweł Mazur


Best of the week 7 at #nomadict 2024

Pawel is a photographer inspired by travel and the fleeting nature of life. Focusing on mobile photography, he has become a Samsung ambassador in Poland, demonstrating the power of phone cameras. He values vision and commitment over equipment and believes in continuously improving skills, trusting intuition, balancing life, and collaborating with others.


As I mentioned in my last article with Nomadict, my interest in photography stemmed from my passion for travel. One day, I realized how quickly life passes and how limited our time is on this beautiful planet. The day a loved one dies is indescribable. When my mom passed away, I was faced with the reality that we are here today but may not be tomorrow. Travel is a way to make the most of my time here.

Since our last conversation, I have focused on new mobile photography projects and improving my photo editing skills. Additionally, I have been learning the secrets of mobile photography and exploring various beautiful places to photograph. I also became an ambassador for Samsung in the mobile photography section in Poland.

As I always say, the best camera is the one you have with you; the technical equipment matters less. The vision and commitment count – even the most expensive gear won’t wake us at sunrise or reach the mountaintop to capture the perfect moment when the magic happens. In addition, from my experiences over the past few years, I have learned these other four valuable lessons:

1) In nature and landscape photography, continuous dedication to honing your skills is paramount for reaching greater heights of success. Whether it’s mastering the intricacies of lighting, composition, or post-processing techniques, each step forward enhances your ability to capture the essence and beauty of the natural world.

2) Relying on your intuition and daring to explore various techniques can unlock uncharted paths of artistic expression. When you trust your instincts amidst the natural world’s ever-changing light and scenery, you might uncover innovative methods to capture its essence. Experimentation with different camera settings, angles, or post-processing approaches can reveal hidden perspectives and evoke emotions that transcend conventional imagery. By embracing this journey of discovery, you not only enrich your portfolio with distinctive visuals but also infuse your work with a personal touch.

3) Striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for sustaining creativity and preventing burnout. While the allure of capturing breathtaking scenes may be compelling, neglecting other aspects of life can lead to exhaustion and diminished enthusiasm. By allocating time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones, you can rejuvenate your spirit and gain fresh perspectives. Moreover, stepping away from the camera periodically allows for reflection and inspiration to flourish, leading to richer, more meaningful compositions.

4) Fostering collaboration and sharing experiences with fellow artists can foster mutual growth and ignite inspiration. Engaging in collaborative projects or participating in photography communities allows you to exchange ideas, techniques, and perspectives. Through this exchange, you can gain fresh insights, discover innovative approaches, and refine your craft. Moreover, collaborating with others provides opportunities to explore new locations, experiment with different styles, and tackle creative challenges together.

Best of the Week 7

The winning photo showcases the stunning Preikestolen (Norway) during sunset, captured with a phone camera like my previous winning photo. This image reflects my passion for travel and exploring nature’s beauty, particularly those magical moments when the setting sun bathes the mountains in a captivating light.

I chose this composition because of its extraordinary beauty and emotional impact. I wanted to show viewers the strength and majesty of nature, how small humans are compared to its power, and convey the feeling of peace and amazement that accompanied me while observing this view.

Final edit Preikestolen

When editing this photo, I was guided mainly by my intuition and the desire to convey the atmosphere and emotions accompanying this view. I used delicate color palettes to emphasize the beauty of nature and create a harmonious composition. Additionally, I focused on emphasizing details and contrasts to enhance the visual effect.

The most important steps in the editing process included fine-tuning color balance and contrast, smoothing out tones, and making minor adjustments to highlight important elements of the composition.

My most significant project to date is an ongoing effort related to mobile photography, demonstrating that beautiful photos and videos can be created with a phone. 
Thanks to my passion for mobile photography, I became a brand ambassador for Samsung in Poland. Throughout the execution of this project, I’ve learned many things, such as how to harness the potential of a phone for photography in various conditions, how to compose shots effectively, and how to edit photos and videos efficiently on mobile devices. 
This experience has expanded my knowledge and skills in mobile photography and also provided me with the opportunity to promote my passion and the Samsung brand, significantly contributing to my professional development.

In ten years, I would like to see myself as a recognized and respected mobile photographer who continues his passion for traveling and exploring various corners of the world. To achieve this goal, I will consistently develop my skills, seek new inspirations, and establish collaborations with other artists and professionals in the industry.


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Final edit Preikestolen

Paweł Mazur (@onelife_photostory): Best of the week 7 at #nomadict 2024

Pawel is a photographer inspired by travel and the fleeting nature of life. Focusing on mobile photography, he has become a Samsung ambassador in Poland, demonstrating the power of phone cameras. He values vision and commitment over equipment and believes in continuously improving skills, trusting intuition, balancing life, and collaborating with others.

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@witold_ziomek After

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