Malte Heitmüller


Best of the week 34

These are the moments that motivate me to walk hundred of meters up the hill, get up in the middle of the night for a hike or not sleep at all. These are the moments that allow me to break out from my everyday life. How summer days so quickly flee?

To be one with nature makes my heart beat faster. The wild inspire me to push my limits and discover myself. I celebrate all these moments of freedom because they are unmeasurable, incalculable…Limited in time but inmortal. They will live in me forever.

One of the things that impresses me the most is that with my camera I am able to express my emotions when I am at all these places. How cool is it to be able to share my happy moments with all of you?

With my photography I would like to inspire or motivate you to go out and explore. If you are the type of person that likes to collect experiences rather than money, then there is nothing like landscape photography! It is quite amazing the amount of unique moments that one can collect being outdoors, in the wild. In the end, this is what life is all about no?

"There is a beautiful world out there, take a closer look and enjoy it!”

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