Photo and Video Workshop in Madeira, Portugal
Join us in Madeira for an unforgettable workshop, where you’ll elevate your creative skills with expert guidance from Ronald Soethje, Bruno Ázera, and Nomadict.
My passion for photography was born about two years ago, coinciding with the beginning of a journey of personal growth and solo travel adventures. Initially I started photographing to capture memories from the places I visited. Soon though I felt the need to communicate the natural and cultural beauty of the world to other people.
Looking through the viewfinder removes the lenses that we have unconsciously adopted and with which we used to look at the world as a result of sociocultural conditioning. In my opinion, to photograph is to watch without filters, to feel the inner connection we have with nature and to take on a subjective but pure and unmediated vision.
Having eliminated this filter, I feel free to communicate my own vision as well and to enhance it with my editing. When I’m shooting, I have a particular goal or mood that the subject should communicate. I really love dramatic and contrasted photos. My approach to editing follows certain pre-established steps but I aim to leave space to imagination and creativity.
However, each photograph has its own mood and my color palette is never fixed. There is always this duality between having a design in mind and approaching it more freely and spontaneously. I noticed though that I had a great artistic improvement when I started working on photo projects. I chose a place or subject in advance and made an editorial plan about two months in advance. After shooting, I selected the photographs that seemed most consistent with the design objective and started working on them. However, I try to balance it to also give space to my creativity in the moment itself.
Live adventures that you would otherwise never have lived, discover the beauty of this world and get out of your comfort zone. Only then you will become aware that we are never really alone, that we can find friends and fellow adventurers everywhere. Adventure provides you with courage, makes hearts braver, and makes life worth living.
Photography is definitely something I want to pursue. My goal is to become a full time travel photographer; I will work on that by consolidating photographic collaborations that are currently running and begin others that stimulate my creativity and professional growth. Nowadays I cannot think of living without photography; it would be like living with my eyes closed.
Join us in Madeira for an unforgettable workshop, where you’ll elevate your creative skills with expert guidance from Ronald Soethje, Bruno Ázera, and Nomadict.
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Magnus is a wildlife photographer known for his moody and artistic approach to capturing animals in their natural habitat. His primary passion is bird photography, and his image of a Ural owl chick won Best of Week 4, 2025.
In this article, Brad shares his journey from hobbyist to professional, highlighting key moments like landing his first client collaboration. He also discusses the importance of connecting with others in the industry and the shot that won the Best of the Week 5, 2025.
Natascha is a passionate photographer and media designer whose love for capturing the world around her began at an early age. Her journey into professional photography was shaped by her deep appreciation for aesthetics and storytelling, which she honed while studying media design.
Jay is a passionate traveler and photographer whose curiosity drives him to explore both faraway landscapes and hidden gems in his own country. In this article, he shares how travel and photography intertwine as journeys of discovery, growth, and creativity. Jay shares insights into his process, the lessons he’s learned, and the story behind the photograph that won the Best of the Week 46, 2024.
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