Johannes Nickel


Best of the week 3

My interest in photography really took off when I was 13 years old. Back then photography was an easy way for me and my friends to do fun and spontaneous things together. With time, this has not really changed, even though I engage with photography in a more professional and passionate way these days.

johannes nickel
"Photography gives me the motivation to get out of bed early in the morning to capture a sunrise. It is also an excellent spark that allows me to further explore this wonderful planet."
johannes nickel

Personally, I have tried to play the guitar, paint to become a tattoo artist, or write to publish a book one day. Yet, non of these arts have captivated me – they were all just episodes in my life. But for me photography is different: it accompanies me in my daily life and enables me to express myself. Through photography I really feel like I can share my own thoughts and vision.

johannes nickel
johannes nickel
johannes nickel