Jakob Radlgruber


Best of the week 4

Growing up in central Europe, in the Schengen area, travel has been part of my life and family culture for as long as I can remember. Whether it was spending a weekend camping in the mountains, or going to another country on family vacation, my parents managed to introduce me to these beautiful experiences already in my childhood. 

Jakob Radlgruber
"It wasn’t really until my years in law school though, that I took a more serious approach on traveling myself. Today, collecting unique moments is my highest priority in life."
Jakob Radlgruber
Jakob Radlgruber

As someone suffering from a severe case of travel fomo, landscape and outdoor photography have allowed me to slow down and capture those fleeting memories. Most importantly, they have taught me to really open my eyes and be more attentive and mindful with my surrounding. 

Jakob Radlgruber
Jakob Radlgruber

Prior to photography, I didn’t pay much attention to the common things in life and I basically took them for granted. Today, to contemplate the changing seasons, get excited for some cotton-like clouds rolling on the horizon, or being mesmerized by the ever-changing play of light and shadows are the kind of moments that I cherish the most. Not only when I am out shooting and traveling, but even more so in my everyday life. 

Jakob Radlgruber
Jakob Radlgruber
Jakob Radlgruber