Florent Broissand


Winner Nomadict's editing contest Vol.2

My name is Florent Broissand and I am a graphic designer based in France. 

I have always loved everything surrounding an image, this is why I have enjoyed cinema since a really young age. Yet, I discovered photography not that long ago

"This is because I have a leg birth disease that has somehow shaped my lifestyle."

I am healthy, but because of this rare disease going for long hikes was never at the top of my list when I was young. So, I almost didn’t engage in outdoor activities. 

However, living in Annecy – the heart of the Alps – surrounded by amazing landscapes certainly inspired me to challenge my limitations. I live in one of the most picturesque regions in Europe, so I decided that I needed to start exploring the area no matter what.

"Not everyone gets to live in such a unique region and who knows if my legs will stop working one day?"

So I began to explore the Alps, slowly but highly motivated. As I discovered more and more sites, my passion for the wild grew stronger. Yet, one thing was missing: photography. 

I was experiencing what for me were unique and beautiful moments, so I felt the urgency to share these moments with my friends and family. I bought my first camera and without any real knowledge or skills I began to document my trips. Surprisingly enough, people encouraged me to keep shooting.

"So I continue to learn photography every day."

Even though I am not a professional photographer, I would love to make a living combining both graphic design and photography.  

This is because I find a lot of inspiration shooting. When I am hiking and I see a landscape that resembles a movie scene, I always put all I have to capture that moment. I know I can’t reach every summit or every site I would like to visit. We all have our own summit, but for now photography is taking me to places I never thought I’d see.

"I do what I can and I surpass myself at my level, and it suits me. Yet, I hope to expand my horizons and go beyond Europe one day!"
Florent Broissand won Vol.2 thanks to this edit
These two were his other two entries

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