Best of the Week

Best of the WeekContests

Tim Edmond
Best of the week 41 at #nomadict 2022

“What was special about this photo was that there was fresh snowfall the night before. I have never experienced snow clashing with fall colors in Crested Butte. There was perfect cloud cover letting the sun peak through slowly. The peaks were covered in a thin layer of snow, while the lower valleys were covered in golden aspens. It was just one of those mornings when everything was perfect.”

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Best of the WeekContests

Michael Perschl
Best of the week 25 at #nomadict 2022

“I always plan my trips according to my goals – pure climbing or photography. Various apps like Kommot or tour sites like Bergfex and Outdooractive help me plan my trips. A must-have app is PeakFinder, to figure out the best spot at a specific moment of the day. For example, to see the lightning conditions and direction. I also work with Sun Surveyor and PhotoPills. With these apps, you can plan exactly when the sun is where and at what time of year.”

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