Alex Schmidt


Best of the week 48 at #nomadict

My interest in photography began in 2013. At that time my main interest was about cars, so on car meetings I met a lot of like-minded people who took pictures of their cars. I really liked their photos, so I wanted to create this kind of pictures myself. That’s why I bought my first DSLR and was trying to figure it all out. From that moment on, the camera was always by my side, also when I was going outdoors. 

In 2014, I had the opportunity to travel to New Zealand, so of course my main focus there was about landscape photography. I really fell in love with the country and I wanted to travel more, see more. Thus, in 2015, I travelled to Scotland. With a rental car I drove all over the island, obviously the camera by my side. This experience boosted my passion for photography, for travelling, for mother nature and for being outdoors.

"Since then, I try to go outdoors as much as I can, enjoying the nature and taking pictures."
"I have learned to appreciate nature much more and I enjoy even a sunset in the park near home a lot."

One of my favorite moments outdoors though was in Summer 2018, when I was in the Dolomites with friends. We were camping at the Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the sky was so clear that night; only light clouds were visible. One of my friends suddenly told to look at the sky, and above our heads there was the Milky Way. I couldn’t believe it! I had always wanted to see it with my own eyes. I was thrilled with this view and often think back to this moment. Two nights later we saw this natural spectacle again.

It was so beautiful to see and I hope I can see it again this Summer; to shoot, but also to experience it again. I am not a man who’s focused on this one picture and unconditionally has to take perfect pictures on my hiking tours. The most important thing to me is to have a good time, to have fun. The reason why I’ll always go out there to explore and take pictures, is because I enjoy being outdoors in nature, being creative with the camera, hiking in the woods, seeing the stars in the night sky and smelling fresh air. It clears my mind from all those busy working days.

"The world has so much to offer, I can highly recommend you to just go out and have a look at all that beauty that surrounds us, and experience what it is to feel relaxed; being surrounded by nature and fresh air."

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