Casara Butler


Landscape photographer based in the US

I have always had a restless spirit, constantly craving change and new adventures. In an attempt to leave home early, I shipped myself off to spend the last year of high school abroad in Italy, and everything clicked into place. I realized just how big the world was and I knew I could never stop exploring.

"The next few years were a whirlwind of solo travels through some incredible countries."

I volunteered at a hostel in Costa Rica and live alongside the welcoming locals who taught me their customs and language. Then spent a few months in Spain, working at a hotel during the day and running a pub crawl at night. I still craved more. I grabbed my bag and off I went, backpacking alone through over 20 countries.

Moving to Washington state last year changed my life once again. I was suddenly surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes I had ever seen. Huge mountains, stunning alpine lakes, and lush green forests. I had never seen anything like it. I decided to make the most of every day I had free. Unfortunately I was at my new job 50+ hours a week and generally only had one day off at a time. I still made the most of it. I grabbed my iPhone and hiking boots and just started to explore.

"After a few months, and 8,000 iPhone photos later, I realized how much I loved capturing memories and telling stories to others."

I had always photographed my travels, but they were personal, to hang on my wall as reminders of my adventures. But now I could see the inspiration that photos can give to to others around me. I decided to invest in a professional camera and dedicate all my free time (that isn’t spent adventuring) to learning all I could about photography and editing. 

Armed with a full frame camera, and a new eye for creativity I can’t get enough of the outdoors. I’ll hike miles in the dark to see the sunrise or drive 6 hours in a day to explore the mountains. I hope to inspire others to get out and explore more. You don’t need fancy equipment and tons of free time to make the most of life, and start to see the beauty in the world around us. 

"You just need to listen to your heart and unapologetically go after what truly makes you happy."
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