Jamie Justus Out


Best of the week 6

Not that long ago I lived in China for a year. Besides working as a teacher, I had enough time to travel with my wife and this somehow was the beginning of my photography “career”. Eventually I started a blog in which I documented our life there. Apparently my brother in law enjoyed my work because he encouraged me to do something with my photography. That is where it all got started!

"So, as you can see, this was quite a spontaneous career move."

So, my passion for travel and photography comes first and foremost with a love for the outdoors, that is my passion in the first place. If I wasn’t doing photography I would still be out exploring my natural surroundings. It is this passion that leads me to photograph the places so that other can enjoy them and be inspired to connect with nature as well. 

"Nowadays I try and get out to my local area once or twice a week. I think getting into nature is important to recharge and experience the beauty that God created."

However, as a new dad planning trips can be somewhat of a challenge. I don’t want to miss out on anything with my son so I don’t usually take trips longer than about a week. I only just made the transition into photography and I am trying to make it work. But most importantly, I want to be able to provide opportunities not only for myself but also for my family. 
