Michael Schirnhofer


Best of the week 26 at #nomadict 2020

I have always loved travelling and get to know new places, as do many of you. At the beginning, I only took pictures to document these journeys and to make memories. It all changed dramatically when I quit my first real job that I got right after high school. I didn’t like it at all, though neither I knew what I really wanted. I saw the solution in traveling. I thought traveling would help me to find myself and my biggest desires – and it did.

"Quitting my job and just leaving was the biggest and most important step in my life."

Photography for me still means creating and documenting memories, that hasn’t ́t really changed, but photography has now become one of my biggest hobbies, my job and above all, a lifestyle that I choose to live. A lifestyle that taught me to enjoy and appreciate the moment, even if it ́s just a short walk through the forest nearby.

"Life can be over so quick – so cherish every moment."
"The day I took the winning shot was actually one of the best days in my life."

I was in Norway when I met a bunch of other motivated photographers. They soon became friends and we went camping on a beautiful beach. We walked up the mountain during the night and the midnight sun was simply magical. We could watch the sunset/sunrise all night and had the best conditions ever. I will never forget this day. To capture this picture I needed to bring the exposure up since it was night, I really wanted to get the most out of this picture, as with any other. 


"What I like most about photography is to keep memories with images forever - immortalizing the moment and being able to live it over and over again just by looking at the photo."

That is my main goal when editing, that I personally feel the picture. I live so many beautiful moments and I am grateful for that. For example my stay in New Zealand, where I studied for one semester and got to know amazing people. One day we went up a mountain during the night and it was cloudy and foggy. After a 4-hour hike we finally reached the top and the sun came through – we had a clear view to the volcano named Mt Taranaki. I will never forget this moment. Good friends and an epic sunrise – the best combination you can ever have as a photographer.

"This is what keeps me going, what gets me venturing out, creating and above all, what makes up my happiness."

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