Rebecca Adnell


Travel photographer based in Sweden

It’s hard to remember exactly when photography became a part of my life. In a way I guess it’s always been there – it’s a passion I grew up with; going from a kid to a teenager and then eventually into adulthood; it’s the one thing that has always been certain. Even during my years of doubting everything I never doubted my love for photography. It’s kind of like a friend who’s always been by your side and just as friendships develop, so has my desire to create a photo. I’m not a great talker – I’ve always preferred to stay quiet in the background and observe my surroundings. 

''Photography allows me to interpret what I see and it gives me room to explore my creativity in my own way.''

Ever since I was born I’ve spent every summer and a week almost every winter in the Swedish mountains. My family owns a cabin located in the middle of the nowhere with no running water and no electricity. While my friends were sunbathing on a beach near the mediterranean during summer breaks, I was roaming the deep forests in my home country and fighting off mosquitos in every direction. Today I’m grown up and I’m fully capable of choosing my own holiday destination, and most of the time I still choose to go there. I truly believe that this place shaped me into who I am today, and to be disconnected from the rest of the world as we are up there has given me the chance to see the world in a different perspective. This place is also the foundation of my inspiration when it comes to photography and my love for nature. I’ve lived in a big city my entire life, and yet I’ve never felt like a city girl. I never feel more out of place than when I’m walking among hundreds of people rushing to catch the next train to their important meeting. That’s never been me.

''I get my inspiration from the trees and the oceans and the mountains. I feel at peace when I’m out deep into the forest and all I can hear is my own breathing.''

Photography is a way for me to expand my creativity and it forces me to leap when fear tells me to stay put. I get out of my comfort zone and I push myself to grow as a person and as a photographer. It allows me to stay present and focused, and even though my motives have changed a lot over the years there’s one thing I kept coming back to – landscape photography. That’s what I want to do. I want to capture the beauty of our planet. 

I remember the first time I fell in love with landscapes. I was still in school and probably 16 years old at the time, and my class was visiting a photo exhibition with loads of different genres. I studied the pictures, but nothing spoke to me until I saw section of maybe ten photographs. There were landscapes in all shapes and sizes, captured in different countries and environments and I was hooked. That’s when I knew what I wanted to do in photography – and even though it took me a few years to open up the door into landscape photography for myself there was always this longing feeling in the back of my head whenever I held a camera. This is something I really want to pursue and in the future I wish to travel the world as a photographer and share my vision of the world with others.

''My passion for traveling and photography go hand in hand. I have a very curious mind and a burning desire to visit and explore new places.''

When I step out onto a new location for the first time – whether it’s a sunset on a beach in Cyprus or a misty morning among the mighty mountains of Scotland – is when I feel most comfortable with myself. I want to create that feeling I felt when I first looked at those photos eight years ago. I want people to look at my photos and dare to dream a little. I want them to be inspired to get out there and chase whatever they want to do in life, because I spent so much time being too afraid. 

''I want to encourage people to explore their surroundings, and by doing that I have this hope that people will appreciate the beauty of our planet and help to keep it that way.''

I truly believe that even one afternoon outdoors can help you get rid of that stress or anxiety you’re carrying around, because I know we all have our baggage. I certainly have. And that’s why spending time in the middle of the forest or at the top of a mountain is the best feeling in the world for me. That’s when I feel alive and free. And photography helps me reach that.


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