Elisabetta Fox


Best of the week 28

Funnily enough, I think one of my aha moments with photography was when I started getting into musical instruments. Now, you’ll probably wonder what music has to do with visual arts. Well, for me pretty much everything. I find myself wandering to places whenever I listen to music and forget to be actually watching a movie when I get too caught up with the soundtrack. My love for music is what truly pushed me to dive into visual arts. I gave piano a try, then trumpet and drums, then guitar .. but as much as I loved playing instruments, I never felt completely satisfied with that. I knew I needed something more, something more practical so to say.

"So that’s when I started experimenting with photography and video making. I finally felt realized but at the same time inspired by music. I finally found the perfect combination."

My ultimate goal with photography is to tell stories. Not necessarily my story. I want people to wander and go places just by looking at my photos. I want to give them the right input to start creating their own stories. 

"If you can combine travel and photography, even better."

Traveling for me represents the best way to learn and grow. I am able to learn about different people and cultures in person without anyone else interfering or deferring my opinion about something. I think seeing and experiment in person is essential in order to have unique experiences and have a better understanding of things. Reading about a specific place or culture is one thing; but seeing with your own eyes is a whole different level. You are becoming part of something, you truly incorporate what you see and learn, it’s not something external anymore.

In the future I would like to get involve in more volunteering experiences and environment oriented projects. I know that by doing this, I will also “leave” something good behind me and something that is more concrete than visual content!


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